Step 1: Log-In

Before you can join and communicate with Connect Groups, you'll need to log in to the SCFC app.

Click the Profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen to log-in.

Step 2: Open Messaging

Connect Groups are hosted in the Messaging feature of the app.

To access Messaging, click the two text bubbles in the top-right corner of the screen.

If you are currently a member of any groups, you will see them listed under the "Conversations" tab.

Step 3: Discover Connect Groups

To find the current catalog of Connect Groups happening at SCFC, click the "Discover" tab within Messaging.  

Click on any Connect Group for a brief description of the group and basic information like meeting times and locations.

Step 4: Join a Connect Group

To join a Connect Group, click the "Request to join" button.

Group managers will be notified and can accept your request.

Once you've been added to a Connect Group, you will find the group under the "Conversations" tab within Messaging.