What to expect on Sundays

Silver Creek is a pretty casual place with pretty friendly people.  You'll find people arriving early to get their kids checked in, visit our delicious espresso cart and to chat before service begins.  Our services consist of current worship music and a relevant message - lasting about one hour.  Kids (babies - 6th grade) have their own safe and fun spaces to be while high schoolers and adults attend service.  Anyone with a volunteer lanyard can help if you have a question!

What We Believe

We are real people, from all walks of life, joined together by the love of God.

We believe in ministry with the sole intention of creating opportunities for people to be transformed by God. Come as you are and join in focusing our attention on God's Word and seeking Him wholeheartedly.
Our Five Core Values:

Reaching out to others, calling everyone in. Our hope is to continue growing by never failing to invite others to share in the hope, peace and purpose we have found through Jesus Christ.

At Silver Creek Family we want to focus on building relationships. Whether within our church community, our local community or extending far beyond into our world, this is a key part of who we are.

We set out to lead people into a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to training all people regardless of what stage they are at in their walk with Jesus Christ. Each ministry is designed to teach, mentor, and disciple all who come to Silver Creek Family Church.
We strive to serve God in all that we do at Silver Creek, but we also feel that you have a God-designed place to serve as well. There are many ways one can serve at SCFC. From helping to provide meals to families in need, to being a Children's Coach, to helping organize office space - there is a place for you. Our goal is to help you recognize where you're gifted and find fulfillment in serving God.

We want to be sure that everyone who comes to Silver Creek will experience God. Whether it's through Sunday worship, connect groups, or various ministries, we provide many opportunities for those who are seeking to experience God.

Our Leadership

Jason Worthington


Karina Gasperin

Family Ministry Director

Our Board

Nora Davis

Third Year Board Member

Matt Vaughn

Second Year Board Member

Don Matson

First Year Board Member

Megan Zollars-Grisham

Second Year Board Member

Amy Sam

First Year Board Member

Carter Boad


You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He’s using us
all - irrespective of how we got here - in what he is building.

Ephesians 2:19-21